Thursday, December 29, 2011

I'm Back. And COOPER

I've been notably absent from this blog for quite sometime, but I got a new laptop for Christmas, so I'm baaaack. I was thinking of a billion different funny, witty things I could post about, but I decided my blog needed a little meat from time to time as well.  So let's talk about Cooper.

 Cooper has some issues.  He's always had some issues, bless him.  He didn't walk until he was almost 18 months old.  He will be 4 years old in about 3 months, and he can't walk up stairs without holding onto something.  He can go downstairs without holding onto anything, but he goes super slowly.  He walks on his toes the majority of the time.  As in, his tippity toes.  Like a little ballerina.  And if that's the path he chooses in life, Mommy Laura is behind him all the way.  However, it seems to be more of a physical problem.  We had also noticed that he is extremely fearful of falling in situations where falling is honestly not even a possibility. 

So, I finally got a referral for Cooper to see an orthopedist and physical therapist.  Basically, the most we can come up with right now is that Cooper mainly has some sensory issues, in addition to flat feet and short legs. He is currently in physical therapy once a week, and his therapist says he is 6-12 months behind in terms of physical abilities.  We will know a lot more when he goes for a cognitive and behavioral evaluation at Siskin in March. 

Cooper will probably never win a Heisman.  That's ok.  B/c I'm pretty sure he'll either be doing comedy on Saturday Night Live or he'll be an artist with masterpieces hanging in the Louvre.  Even better, he might just grow up to be an awesome dude who loves his Mom.  That's more than enough for me! 

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